Pregnancy Ultra-Sound Scan
Using the most efficient ultra-sound scanner that provides clear images of the pups.

Scan your bitch to confirm if there is a pregnancy
Ideally from day 28 from the last mating we can scan your bitch to confirm if there is a pregnancy. Using the most efficient ultra-sound scanner that provides clear images of the pups – we welcome you to take videos and photographs are available to take away with you for your family album!
Number of puppies seen will be pointed out to you, whilst checking the growth and health of each pup at this stage. Expected delivery due date can also be provided – so that you can begin your whelping preparations.

Follow-Up Care
Should there be any problematic signs identified with mum or the pups, like reabsorption, these will be explained and follow up care is offered.
We will also invite you to one of our Whelping Talks, hosted by a Veterinary Nurse with over 35 years of breeding experience. The Talk covers all aspects of the whelping bitch, what to expect during the process, and essentials you will need for the mum and pups. Information for all levels of breeders.