
Progesterone Blood Testing – £45.00.

Ultra-Sound Pregnancy Scan – £30.00.

Stud Dog Semen Fertility Test, with full report – £60.00 per dog.

Semen Collection, Analysis & Freezing – £315.00 per dog,

  • future visits from the same dog charged at £250.00 within 6 months.

Semen Storage – £4.25 per straw/vial charged after the 1st year.

Imported Semen Storage – £5.25 per straw/vial annually.

Transfer of Frozen Semen to a different location within the UK £200.00, including Tank hire.

Tank Hire for Frozen Semen – £150.00 for 1 week with a deposit to be paid & refunded upon return.

Artificial Insemination, using fresh canine semen £100.00

Trans-Cervical Insemination (TCI) with fresh canine semen £200.00

Trans-Cervical Insemination (TCI) with frozen canine semen £300.00

Please contact us for “Other Services” for a Consultation and pricing.

Questions? We’d love to help. Fill out the form or call 01772 690014.