Progesterone Blood Testing for Bitches
Using the most enhance analyser the Tosha AIA360, the analyser provides accurate results when your bitch is ready for breeding. Our analyser is serviced and maintained by Woodley Veterinary Equipment every 3 months to always ensure the precise exact results.

Within an hour of our Vet taking the blood sample onsite, we will be able to advise:-
- If your bitch needs retesting in a few days time, or,
- you have missed the opportunity to mate on this season or,
- provide you with the fertile window for the mating days or for the Artificial Insemination.

Benefits for having the Progesterone Blood Test
There are a number of benefits for having the Progesterone Blood Test and helps breeders in the following areas:-
- If the bitch has a silent (no blood, but vulva swollen) season, the result will confirm if she is in a season.
- Ensures that the bitch has ovulated, therefore reassurance that the semen used has not been wasted by mating /Artificial Insemination on the wrong days.
- Confirms if a Split season (stop, start of bleeding) is taking place.
- Planned dates and travel arrangements for the mating/Artificial Insemination can be made with the bitch’s owner and stud dog owner.
- Stud Dog Breeding Management allows the stud dog owner for the stud not to be over used to help enhance and achieve good sperm results for the forthcoming bitch.
- Confirms the best time for Imported semen or semen within the UK should be shipped for Artificial Insemination.
- Results more specific than a cytology test.

Progesterone Blood Testing Postal Service
We recommend all samples to be sent by Royal Mail Special Delivery Service or by Courier for the NEXT WORKING DAY DELIVERY.
Ask your Vet or Vet nurse to collect 3ml of venous blood and spin down the blood in the Centrifuge and use the clear topped blood tube, as below. Stating the Dogs name, Breed & Date of bloods taken.

If a Centrifuge is not available, please use the brown capped blood tube which contains Sodium Heparin as an anticoagulant, which stops the blood from clotting.

Wrap the blood tube(s) in absorbent material (tissue or cotton wool) and place in a biohazard bag. Please do not place adhesive tape around the sample tubes.

Complete the Progesterone Blood Sampling Form with your details and send with the blood sample. If you dont have a printer you can complete online. Your vet can also print off and fill out the form.
Print Off & Post Complete Online
Using our Toshiba A1A-360 Analyser which is frequently contractually Calibrated by Quantum Vet Diagnostics/Woodley Veterinary Equipment – providing accurate results. When the sample has been analysed, we will telephone you with the result on the day of receiving the sample. The actual level of Progesterone measured in nmol & recommendation will be provided.
Payment to be taken via telephone upon receiving your results.
Please send samples to Fit And Fertile, Lowes Farm, Willacy Lane, Catforth, Preston PR4 0JD.