Frozen Semen
Send or receive frozen semen world-wide.

Accessing new bloodlines for your breed
The semen is stored in liquid nitrogen until the time of the AI and the semen is thawed, tested to ensure the semen is of good quality, quantity prior to administering this into the bitch. Clients also have semen frozen and stored with ourselves for future breeding programmes.
At the time of the Semen Collection, tease bitch is presented to the stud dog to help him to become stimulated, and the semen is then collected, analysed and the figures from the collection will be discussed with you by a member of our specialist team. The semen evaluation includes the volume, concentration, total sperm output, motile sperm and net sperm value. At this point we will be able to advise how many 0.5ml straws can be made with the semen.
After the freezing procedure, a sample straw is then thawed out to provide the Post Thaw % Motile Sperm figure, based on this, we can advise how many straws are required for a breeding to be either stored or shipped.
We look to ship 200 million sperms per Trans-Cervical Insemination and 100 million sperm per Surgical Insemination.

Benefits to storing stud dog’s frozen semen
- To open the opportunity to introduce new blood lines in the breed:
- To introduce better prodigy and characteristics.
- Safeguarding the bloodline for unexpected loss.
- Future breeding programmes.
- Ship semen world-wide.
The UK’s leading Canine Semen Storage Bank
Being the UK’s leading Canine Semen Storage Bank – critical care is taken preserving your stud dogs semen. Using liquid nitrogen to the temperature of
-196 °C the Semen straws are stored in colour coded tubes, with your details and your stud dogs, microchip number stated and date of semen collection. An ID number is stated on a cane and then is stored in one of our dewar tanks and all details are recorded and the Semen Evaluation Report is also filed.

Import & Export Shipping.
Working alongside our Export Vet to ensure that all the health requirements meet the Country’s requirements for semen (fresh/chilled or frozen) to be shipped world-wide. Using Fedex and DHL we can provide up to date tracking information once the semen has left the UK. Contact our team if you have any enquires for a shipping quote or if you wish to store Imported canine semen in or semen bank.